Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hillary Clinton

"Probably my worst quality is that I get very passionate about what I think is right."
~Hillary Clinton 

Today was my mom's birthday, as well as Seth  MacFarlane's (creater of Family Guy) and Hillary Clinton's (Secretary of State). While my mom is most certainly a leader in my mind, this post is about Hillary Clinton. While she is definitely not perfect, she's a great example of going for what you believe in and making good things come out of a bad situation.

A clear example of this was after the 2008 election when President Obama nominated her to be his Secretary of State. Almost 6 months after losing the Democratic Presidential bid to him she agreed to work under him. While it certainly put her in a great position of power, it takes a big person to agree to serve under someone who just beat you in anything, especially in something on that grand of a scale. She took the position and did it with the mindset of changing the world. 

Hillary Clinton travels the world meeting with Diplomats and other World Leaders in an effort to promote values like world peace, woman suffrage, and much more. If there's anything I learned from Clinton's countless visits around the world it's that even though you may not succeed in what you planned on, you can make a huge difference and lead through what opportunities come out of the bad situation.  

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