Friday, November 25, 2011

Abraham Lincoln

"Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm."
~Former President Abraham Lincoln 
To some, today marks the busiest shopping day of the year. To others it marks the birthday of one of the greatest leaders to ever hold the office of President. Former President Abraham Lincoln. He was not born into greatness, he could barely even read and write. Yet he led the nation in the war which cost us the most. 

There are so many things that a leader could learn from Lincoln's term in office.The Gettysburg Address was so short that the photographer did not have time to set up his camera before the President finished. However many regard the speech as more important than the battle itself in terms of lasting influence. Lincoln also showed how a leader must be quick to forgive. After he won re-election in 1864 he urged the South to put down their arms and quickly rejoin the Union. Holding grudges holds people back, and good leaders should forgive for the betterment of those whom they lead. There are countless other things to be learned from Lincoln's presidency and how to be a good leader.

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