Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Election Day

"A leader is a dealer in hope."
~Napoleon Bonaparte

November 2 happens to be the first day, during a presidential election year, in which the president can be elected. When America votes for a President they aren't just electing a person, they're electing a sense of hope. Hope for a new future and increased prosperity for the country as a whole. I believe that the best leaders are those who instill in their follower's hearts an abundance of hope. 

A good leader is someone who acquires followers not because they were put into a position of power but rather because those who follow choose to follow. People are not going to listen and believe in someone just because the someone says he'd be a great leader. In the same way they won't believe in someone who's ideals and goals differ widely from their own. It's only when a person's goals and values fall in line with others that they get to become a good leader. 

This doesn't mean that the leader should change their goals or values just to please everyone though. This could lead to duplicity or more likely a sense of betrayal felt by their followers because the leader will almost always fall back on their own ideals in a tough situation. This is why when leaders are elected they do not always turn out the way the electors thought they would and end up being a disappointment. A great leader leads by example, never gives up their set of values and never compromises.

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