Thursday, November 24, 2011

The First Thanksgiving

~H. U. Westermayer
Thanksgiving is a time of overindulgence, family reunions and long standing football rivalries. It's also a time for remembering our blessings and giving thanks for everything we have despite hardships. No one did this better than the Pilgrims. They had been exiled from their homeland, thrown in jail and traveled to an entire other continent for their freedom where they had to deal with harsh weather, new land and barely any provisions. They experienced so many hardships and yet they took the time to give thanks after their first harvest. But what does being thankful have to do with being a good leader? Everything. 

The best leaders aren't the ones who look down on others because they feel better than them, the best leaders are the ones who connect with other's experiences and use that connection to build trust. In order to learn, people have to make mistakes or go through some sort of trial which helps them to become a better person. Without these experiences it is hard for anyone to have the knowledge to fall back on when times get tough in the future. It's not good enough to just experience adversity however. Instead a good leader is someone who can look back on their hardships, acknowledge that they contributed to making them a better person and being thankful for them. It's only when you appreciate all that has made you stronger that you actually become stronger. Good leaders know that there's always something to be gained from a bad situation and instead of moping around and feeling bad for themselves learning and using that experience later is the only way to grow. 

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